More Than A Pop: Learn About Your Chiropractic Wellness

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At Central Health Chiropractic, our research and evidenced-based chiropractic care have helped out many patients in our Des Moines, IA community. Check out our blog for more information on chiropractic care, spinal health, and tips on keeping you in tip-top shape!

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Do you work 8+ hours at a desk?

Do you work 8+ hours at a desk?

Neck and upper back soreness, tightness, and pain is one of the most common complaints in patients who work long hours at a desk. Poor posture while seated leads to forward head carriage and reversal of the normal cervical lordotic curve.

Dr. Jake Boyle is Featured in Popular News Articles – Read Them Here!

Dr. Jake Boyle was recently featured in New York Post and Upworthy articles about the effect of slumping over mobile phones and computers and spinal malformations in young people.

For more information about our chiropractic services please
contact us at 515-971-6143 today!

Phone: 515-971-6143


Monday & Wednesday - 7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Tuesday & Thursday - 12:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Friday 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.

For smart, health-conscious people of all ages who want safe and effective solutions to their health care needs, Central Health Chiropractic is your Des Moines Chiropractor.